New MSP430F5529 USB LaunchPad for only 12.99$

There is a new MSP430 launchpad available for only 12.99$.

In this post we will make brief overview of the MSP430F5529 USB LaunchPad.

The new MSP430F5529 USB LaunchPad is featuring the MSP430F5529 MCU. The microcontroller has the following features:
– 25MHz (vs. 16MHz in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)
– 128KB Flash (vs. 16KB Flash in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)
– 8kB RAM (vs. 512B RAM in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)
– 16ch 12-bit ADC (vs. 8ch 10-bit ADC in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)
– Comparator
– 4 16-bit Timers (vs. 2 16-bit Timers in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)
– Up to 2 I2C, 4 SPI, 2 UART (vs. Up to 1 I2C, 2 SPI, 1 UART in MSP430G2 Value Line LaunchPad)

The board it self provides 40-pin (see the pinout here).

Personal opinion:
Pros: Faster, bigger and more interfaces. Appropriate for more complex designs.
Cons: I see only one con with this new Launchpad and this is the SMD soldering of the processor. This makes it usable only with the launchpad board. If you are expirienced with the soldering tools, this is not a con for you. You can easyly desolder/resolder it to your custom made board. Or you can resolder a socket with the appropriate size on the Launchpad.

Fook forward soon for new posts on projecst with MSP430F5529 USB LaunchPad.

More information can be found here.

DIY Nikon DSLR IR Remote with MSP430

Three years back in time, I bought Nikon D3000 DSLR. I started shooting, but the moment I needed remote, came one day (more over night), during on night photography session. I checked all local suppliers, but the prices were high. I ordered one from China. The problem with orders from China is that they take time. I started waiting and one day I made my IR remote, using the MSP430.

This is a youtube video showing the remote in action:

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Driving two digits seven segment indication with MSP430 Launchpad

This example is Step1 from the Clock Project I’ve just started. Here you can see how to drive dynamically two digits seven segment indication using only one controller. I’m using MSP430G2231 controller.

Coming soon the documentation of the project from this step. Schematic, BOM, video and source code. Presently the analog part of the project is not so as perfect as should be, because I started it with all the components available in my Bag-Full-Of-Parts. The MSP430 Launchpad board is wired to a breadboard.
This is the a video showing the prototype.

Code is below. Continue reading

Simple Metronome using MSP430 Launchpad

In the beginning of this year I decided to start taking piano lessons.  Step-by-step the moment I had to start playing using metronome came. My teacher told me to by one. Unfortunately I didn’t found time to buy one. My MSP430 Launchpad had just arrived four days earlier. So I decided to build my on metronome. I opened the “Big-Bag-Of-Parts”, and found the appropriate sound buzzer.

For this project I used MSP430G2231.

This is a video of the Metronome in action.

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